Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Let me ask you a couple questions... and be honest when you answer them. 
• #1: Do you despise bugging your family, your friends and people who are just praying that you won't bring up your "business" opportunity? 
• #2: Are you tired of hounding prospects who you know couldn't care less about your business? 
• #3: Are you sick of being told to "Just do more of it!" when it's obvious that what you're supposed to be doing more of never worked in the first place!? 
• #4: Have you been hard at it for months (even years) without seeing any real, significant results? (Some in our industry would call this "delayed gratification," but I've got a different word for it and it's a lot shorter... ) 

If you went through this list of questions and answered "yes" to one or more of them... you need to pay very careful attention to my website to find the real solutions for making real money@ 

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